姓名 田秀蘭
職稱 特聘教授兼教育學院院長、教心學報主編
授課領域 生涯諮商及職業心理學研究、諮商實習訓練及督導、質性研究、學校諮商及心理輔導工作、諮商心理學研究法
研究專長 生涯諮商、諮商實習訓練及督導、諮商心理學研究法、夢工作研究
個人網站 http://web.ntnu.edu.tw/~lantien
聯絡電話 (02)7749-3772
聯絡地址 教育學院5樓 - R522
國家 學校名稱 系所 學位 期間
美國 愛荷華大學 諮商員教育 哲學博士 1989.08 ~ 1993.05
服務機關名稱 單位 職務 期間
國立台灣師範大學 教育心理與輔導學系 系主任 2016.08 ~ 2016.01
台灣生涯發展與諮詢學會 (TCDCA) TCDCA 理事長 2014.08 ~ 2016.08
台北市諮商心理師公會 TCPA 理事長 2014.05 ~ 2017.05
國立台灣師範大學 學生事務處 副學務長 2013.11 ~ 2016.07
國立台灣師範大學 學生輔導中心 主任 2013.09 ~ 2016.07
Asian Pacific Career Development Association (APCDA) APCDA President-elect President Past President 2013.05 ~ 2016.05
國立台灣師範大學 健康中心心理衛生組 組長 2006.08 ~ 2007.02
University of Maryland Department of Psychology Visiting Professor 2005.08 ~ 2006.07
國立台灣師範大學 健康中心心理衛生組 組長 2004.08 ~ 2005.07
國立台灣師範大學 教育心理與輔導學系(所) 教授 2001.08 ~ 2017.01
國立屏東師範學院 初等教育系 教授 1998.08 ~ 2001.07
國立屏東師範學院 初等教育系 副教授 1994.08 ~ 1998.07
國立屏東師範學院 學生輔導中心 主任 1994.08 ~ 1996.07
年度 論文名稱
2023 A qualitative analysis of STEM female’s coping strategy under the COVID-19 pandemic, Frontiers in Public Health, vol. 11, Nov. 2023
2023 The relational structure development through social network analysis: A case study of different self-disclosures in an unstructured counseling group, Chinese Journal of Guidance and Counseling, vol. 68, Sep. 2023
2023 疫情期間成人生涯召喚、生涯混沌知覺、未來工作自我與生涯調適力之關聯性, 教育心理學報, vol. 54, Jun. 2023
2023 The relationship between time perspective and life satisfaction: Career adaptability as an intermediate variable., British Journal of Guidance & Counselling, Jun. 2023
2023 The effects of a Journey of the Brave Counseling Program on anxiety, well-being, and life adjustment in Taiwanese children, BMC Psychiatry, vol. 23, Jun. 2023
2022 The relationship between social support and career adaptability: The chain mediating role of perceived career barriers and career maturity, International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance., vol. 23, Jan. 2022
2022 Career Chaos Inventory: A Validation Test in China., Asia Pacific Career Development Journal, vol. 5, Jan. 1970
2021 具備心理師證照之國中小專任輔導教師專業認同內涵探究, 教育心理學報, vol. 53, Sep. 2021
2021 後現代敘事合作取向團體督導歷程中的督導思維與督導策略, 教育心理學報, vol. 53, Sep. 2021
2021 Capturing the collectivist cultural dynamics of vocational identity formation in Macao: Expanding the three-dimensional status model, Asia Pacific Education Review, vol. 22, Jan. 2021
2020 學校輔導教師督導者之督導經驗與學校輔導督導系統建構, 教育心理學報, vol. 52, Dec. 2020
2020 中年女性教育人員生涯「意義提升模式(RAISE-up model)」之建構, 教育心理學報, vol. 52, Dec. 2020
2020 高等教育新冠肺炎防治工作經驗:以臺灣師大為例, 學生事務與輔導, vol. 59, Sep. 2020
2019 同行與轉化:心理治療歷程中雙方參與者的轉化, 生命敘說與心理傳記學, Dec. 2019
2019 Development and Validation of a Work Values Scale for Assessing High School Students: A Mixed Methods Approach, European Journal of Psychological Assessment, Jun. 2019
2018 我國國民中學輔導工作五十年的回顧與展望, 教育研究集刊, vol. 64, Nov. 2018
2018 Examining the Structure of the Career Adapt-Abilities Scale: The Cooperation Dimension and a Five-Factor Model, Journal of Career Assessment, vol. 26, Aug. 2018
2018 The relation of career adaptability to work-family experience and personal growth initiative among Taiwanese working parents., Journal of Employment Counseling, vol. 55, Jan. 2018
2017 從正向心理學優勢探討兒童人際關係, 臺灣諮商心理學報, vol. 5, Sep. 2017
2017 高中職輔導教師工作困境、因應方式與督導需求初探, 國立嘉義大學家庭教育與諮商學刊, Jun. 2017
2016 Career development training, certification, supervision, and professionalization: Case examples from four countries, Indian Journal of Career and Livelihood Planning, vol. 5, Dec. 2016
2016 以教師觀點理解兒童同儕關係發展和輔導策略, 南台人文社會學報, vol. 16, Nov. 2016
2016 Career Counseling Research and Practice in Taiwan, The Career Development Quarterly, vol. 64, Sep. 2016
2016 Vocational identity formation of college students in Macau, The Career Development Quarterly, vol. 64, Sep. 2016
2016 青少年生涯目的感的概念發展與實務, 教育研究月刊, vol. 264, Apr. 2016
2015 職場工作者自我效能、生涯調適力與工作適應之因素模式驗證, 輔導與諮商學報, vol. 37, Jan. 2015
2014 A Validation of Career Adaptability Model for Employees in Taiwan, Journal of Career Development, vol. 必填欄位, Dec. 2014
2014 The Study of Therapeutic Effect of Hill's Dream Work in Art Therapy, Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, vol. 113, Feb. 2014
2014 The Career Adapt-Abilities Scale in Macau: Psychometric characteristics and construct validity, Journal of Vocational Behavior, vol. 84, Jan. 2014
2013 一位資深心理師的受苦生命經驗轉化與實踐之敘說研究, 中華輔導與諮商學報, vol. 35, Apr. 2013
2012 國中與高中職階段生涯測驗使用現況之分析研究, 教育心理學報, vol. 43, Jun. 2012
2012 Career Adapt-Abilities Scale — Taiwan Form: Psychometric properties and construct validity, Journal of Vocational Behavior, vol. 80, Feb. 2012
2011 The Effectiveness of the Strength-Centered Career Adjustment Model for Dual-Career Women in Taiwan, Career Development Quarterly, vol. 59, Sep. 2011
2011 優勢中心取向生涯諮商之諮商歷程與療效內涵探究, 教育心理學報, vol. 42, Jun. 2011
2011 雙生涯女性優勢中心生涯適應諮商模式之建構研究, 中華輔導與諮商學報, vol. 29, Apr. 2011
2011 An exploration of career interests and work values in Taiwan, Asia Pacific Education Review, vol. 12, Jan. 2011
2009 Cultural encountering: The applicability of Holland’s typology in Taiwan, Asian Journal of Counseling, vol. 16, Jul. 2009
2009 Helpful components in Cognitive-Experiential Model of Dream Work, Asia Pacific Education Review, vol. 10, May. 2009
2009 The role of career barriers on high school students’ career choice behavior in Taiwan, Career Development Quarterly, vol. 57, Jan. 2009
2007 Annual review: Practice and research in career counseling and development -2006, Career Development Quarterly, vol. 56, Jan. 2007
2007 Predictors of outcome of dream work for East volunteer clients: Dream factors, attachment anxiety, Asian values, and therapist input, Dreaming, vol. 17, Jan. 2007
2006 覆水難收,皺水難平?, 應用心理研究, vol. 必填欄位, Sep. 2006
2006 Dream interpretation session for college students in Taiwan: Who benefits and what volunteer clients view as most and least helpful, Dreaming, vol. 16, Jan. 2006
2005 書寫與心靈, 應用心理研究, vol. 必填欄位, Jun. 2005
2005 兒童衝動性格、未來期待、休閒活動與違犯行爲之相關研究, 中華輔導學報, vol. 必填欄位, Mar. 2005
2005 The validation of the Career Decision-making Difficulties Scale in a Chinese culture, Journal of Career Assessment, vol. 13, Feb. 2005
2005 台灣小學輔導工作的發展與專業內涵之實施現況, 香港中文大學基礎教育學報, vol. 14, Jan. 2005
2005 A grounded analysis of career uncertainty perceived by college students in Taiwan, Career Development Quarterly, vol. 54, Jan. 2005
2003 社會認知生涯理論之興趣模式驗證研究, 教育心理學報, vol. 34, Jan. 2003
2003 兒童團體輔導能力的內涵與評量研究, 中華輔導學報, vol. 14, Jan. 1970
2002 「成人生涯認知量表」之發展及其效度研究, 測驗年刊, vol. ˋ49, Jan. 1970
2001 國小輔導工作的天涯路, 諮商與輔導, vol. 必填欄位, Jan. 2001
2001 Career Deicision-Making Difficulties Perceived by College Students in Taiwan, Bulletin of Educational Psychology, vol. 33, Jan. 2001
2000 大學生,你在想什麼?談大學生的生涯決定困難及生涯想法, 輔導季刊, vol. 36, Jan. 2000
2000 生涯決定問題評量系統之探究, 測驗與輔導, Jan. 2000
2000 紮根理論在諮商心理學研究中的應用, 輔導季刊, vol. 36, Jan. 2000
2000 諮商心理學質化研究取向之演進及發展趨勢—與Dr. Clara E. Hill之跨世紀對談紀要, 輔導季刊, vol. 36, Jan. 2000
2000 大學生生涯阻礙因素與職業選擇適配性之相關研究, 屏東師院學報, vol. 13, Jan. 2000
2000 心理治療中的夢境解釋—個別與團體取向, 諮商與輔導, vol. 179, Jan. 2000
1999 個人問題或生涯問題?談兒童生涯輔導工作, 學生輔導, vol. 61, Jan. 1999
1999 兒童人際關係輔導, 測驗與輔導, vol. 152, Jan. 1999
1999 多元入學?多元應考?多元的生涯輔導?, 測驗與輔導, vol. 155, Jan. 1999
1999 國民小學輔導教師諮商能力及訓練架構之分析研究, 屏東師院學報, vol. 12, Jan. 1999
1999 女性對生涯阻礙知覺之質的分析, 教育心理學報, vol. 31, Jan. 1999
1998 男女大學生生涯阻礙因素之分析研究, 教育心理學報, vol. 30, Jan. 1998
1998 生涯信念檢核表之效度研究, 測驗年刊, vol. 45, Jan. 1998
1998 「生涯阻礙因素量表」之編製及其因素結構, 屏東師院學報, vol. 11, Jan. 1998
1998 女性國小教師在工作、家庭、及進修角色之衝突及適應歷程分析--以屏東女性教師為例, 中華輔導學報, vol. 6, Jan. 1998
1997 饗宴--第105屆美國心理學會年會會後心得, 輔導季刊, vol. 33, Jan. 1997
1997 諮商員訓練實習課程中的倫理議題, 諮商與輔導, vol. 136, Jan. 1997
1997 雙生涯家庭與女性的生涯發展, 諮商與輔導, vol. 144, Jan. 1997
1996 女性生涯發展之主要型態, 諮商與輔導, vol. 127, Jan. 1996
1996 自我效能預期與女性之生涯發展, 諮商與輔導, vol. 123, Jan. 1996
1996 我國高中學生職業興趣結構之比較研究, 中華輔導學報, vol. 4, Jan. 1996
1993 The role of selected risk factors in predicting adolescent drug use and its adverse consequences, The International Journal of the Addictions, vol. 28, Jan. 1970
1992 十二年國民教育與青少年之生涯發展, 教師天地, Apr. 1992
1989 我國大專學生生涯發展定向之研究, 教育心理學報, vol. 22, Jan. 1970
年度 論文名稱
2023 Employability and life design of Taiwanese Indigenous people in urban areas, The 4th Kyoto Conference on Arts, Media & Culture (KAMC2023), Oct. 10-13, 2023, Kyoto, Japan
2023 Future imagination and career exploration: Program development and empirical test, American Psychological Association 2023 Convention, Aug. 03-05, 2023, Washington, DC, United States
2023 A grounded analysis of emerging adults career visions in Taiwan, NCDA Global Career Development Conference, Jun. 27-Jul. 01, 2023, Chicago, IL, United States.
2023 Adverse context, resilience and meaning making during Covid-19: A grounded analysis, 2023 Asia Pacific Career Development Association International Conference, May. 16-26, 2023, virtual, Astana, Kazakhstan
2023 COVID19 and Teacher Education: The Case of Taiwan. [oral presentation], 3rd PSALM International Conference on Teacher Education and Formation., May. 13, 2023, Philippines
2022 輔導諮詢專業督導:以臺灣為例, 第九屆海峽兩岸暨港澳地區高校心理輔導與諮詢高峰論壇, Jul. 26-31, 2022, 線上
2022 Innovative career Research in Taiwan-what’s the next step? [oral presentation], Asia Pacific Career Development Association International Conference, May. 16-29, 2022, virtual, Singapore.
2022 How to design a Qualitative research project. [oral presentation], Asia Pacific Career Development Association International Conference, May. 16-29, 2022, virtual, Singapore.
2022 Global Perspectives in Innovative Practices -Taiwan’s experiences. [oral presentation], Asia Pacific Career Development Association International Conference, May. 16-29, 2022, virtual, Singapore.
2022 The development and validation of Career Vision Inventory in Taiwan. [oral presentation], Asia Pacific Career Development Association International Conference, May. 16-29, 2022, virtual, Singapore.
2021 The effectiveness of hope-centered life design program foe college students in Taiwan., Joint Conference of the Academy of Human Resource Development and the Asian Reginal Association of Career Development (Virtual conference), Nov. 16-18, 2021, Malaysia
2021 疫情下的通訊心理諮商與倫理議題。吳昭容(主持人),疫情下的教學、評量與心理諮商[主題論壇], 2021台灣心理學年會, Oct. 16-17, 2021, 線上
2021 Meaning of life and career design for Chinese middle-aged female educators., Asia Pacific Career Development Association. Singapore. (Virtual because of COVID-19), May. 19-29, 2021, on-line
2021 與新住民家庭暴力受暴者建立專業同盟關係歷程之探究, 臺灣諮商心理學會 110 年會暨學術研討會, 2021
2020 The Construction of Career Vision Inventory for Chinese young adults., Asia Pacific Career Development Association. Delhi, India. (Accepted but canceled because of COVID-19 spread), May. 16, 2022
2020 Working with dreams in Taiwan: A comparison of self-directed versus psychologist interviewed conditions., 36th Society for the Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration., 2020
2019 Personal Strength and Career Future Vision for College Students, Asia Pacific Career Development Association International Conference, May. 21-23, 2019, Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam
2018 Highlights from ICCDPP's 2017 International Symposium: A Global Perspective and Discussion, Asia Pacific Career Development Association International Conference, May. 15-19, 2018, Beijing, China
2018 College Student's Perception of Career Services Provided at the University: Does that match with Faculty Staff's Action?, Asia Pacific Career Development Association International Conference, May. 15-19, 2018, Beijing
2017 Country report: Career guidance and vocational education in Taiwan, ICCDPP, Jun. 18-21, 2017, Seoul, Korea.
2017 Adult’s perception of homeostasis in career chaos: An example in Chinese culture., Asia Pacific Career Development Association, May. 21-25, 2017, Manila, Philippine.
2017 Career education and VET (Vocational Education & Training) in Taiwan, 2017 NYPI & ARACD Conference, May. 17-18, 2017, Seoul, Korea
2017 International education and training: Implications for counseling psychology programs in the US, Council of Counseling Psychology Training Programs Annual Conference, Mar. 02-04, 2017, San Juan, Puerto Rico
2017 Calling in chaos: career chaos theory embedded in RAISE-up model of career counseling., Annual Conference of the National Career Development Association, 2017, Orlando, FL, USA
2017 Career life meaning: females' perception in a Chinese culture, Annual Conference of the American Psychological Association, 2017, DC., USA
2010 An exploration of career adaptation of adult workers in Taiwan, Annual conference of the American Psychological Association, 2010, San Diego, CA, USA
2008 An exploration of career interests and work values in Taiwan., American Psychological Association, 2008, Boston, MA.
2008 A causal model of happiness and psychological wellbeing for school teachers in Taiwan, American Psychological Association, 2008, Boston, MA.
2008 Outcome of dream work for East Asians serving as volunteer clients: Dream factors, anxious attachment, Asian values, and therapist input, 2008 APA Convention, 2008, Toronto, Canada
2000 The development of counselor training model: Counseling effectiveness and counselor self-efficacy., National Teachers College Education Research Conference, 2000, 台北
2000 The development of elementary school counseling (chair), Annual conference of the Chinese Guidance Association, 2000, 台灣
1999 An exploration of school counselor education model., Convention for Guidance and Counseling Development, 1999, 彰化
1999 An evaluation of guidance work in elementary school, Chinese Psychological Association, 1999, 台北
1997 The relationship between career self-efficacy and career barriers of college students., the 8th Asian conference on vocational and educational guidance, 1997, 台北
1997 Career barriers perceived by college students in Taiwan, the 8th Asian conference on vocational and educational guidance, 1997, 台北
1997 The development and validation of the Career Barriers Inventory., 1997, 彰化
1994 A study of Holland's vocational model in Taiwan., the annual conference of the American Educational Research Association, 1994, New Orleans, LA, USA.
1994 The vocational interest structure of Taiwanese college students., the national conference of the National Career Development Association, 1994, Albuquerque, NM, USA.
1992 A test of Holland's typology in Taiwan: Some factors., the Centennial conventional of the American Psychological Association., 1992, Washington, D. C., USA.
2016 The Process and Outcome of RAISE-up Model on Wellbeing, International Congress of Psychology 2016, Jul. 24-29, 2016, Yakohoma, Japan.
2016 Career-Life Wellbeing: RAISE-up model vs. Dream work model., National Career Development Association Global Conference 2016, Jun. 29-Jul. 02, 2016, Chicago, IL, USA
2015 Career Life Meaning: RAISE-up model for Career Counseling., IAEVG International Conference 2015, Sep. 18-21, 2015, Tsukuba, Japan.
2015 The Life Themes and Life Design Counseling Model for Females in Taiwan., National Career Development Association Global Conference 2015, Jun. 30-Jul. 02, 2015, Denver, Colorado.
2014 Entering a new era: A research agenda for life designing intervention and/or counseling competence development in Eastern societies., National Career Development Association Global Conference, Jun. 18-21, 2014, Long Beach, CA, USA.
2014 Life Design Counseling in Asian Cultures, the global conference of the International Association of Educational and Vocational Guidance, Jun. 04-06, 2014, Quebec, Canada.
2014 Career Adapt-Abilities Scale—Macao form B: Psychometric characteristics and construct validity, Annual Conference of the Asia Pacific Career Development Association, May. 19-21, 2014, Honolulu, HI, USA.
2014 Cultural and gender perspectives on life design, Annual Conference of the Asia Pacific Career Development Association, May. 19-21, 2014, Honolulu, HI, USA.
2013 Life design counseling in Asian cultures., Conference of the International Association for Educational and Vocational Guidance, Sep. 24-27, 2013, Quebec, Canada
2013 Development of the Work-family Conflict Scale for dual-career adults in Taiwan, National Career Development Association Conference, Jul. 08-10, 2013, MA: Boston
2013 A validation of career adaptation model in Taiwan, Annual Conference of the Asia Pacific Career Development Association, Apr. 02-06, 2013, 韓國
2013 Appropriateness of positive psychology concepts applied in a Chinese culture, The 2013 National Multicultural Conference and Summit, Jan. 16-18, 2013, Houston, TX
2012 We Don’t Know that We are under Verbal Violence: A Focus on Chinese Culture, The Institution for the Study and Promotion of Race and Culture Global Conference, Oct. 19-20, 2012, Boston, MA
2012 Career Services in School Settings in Chinese Societies, Symposium at the annual conference of the American Psychological Association, Aug. 02-04, 2012, Orlando, FL, USA
2012 Career Dreams Come True: Job Employability for the 21st Century, the global conference of the National Career Development Association, Jun. 20-23, 2012, Atlanta, GA, USA
2011 Let’s talk about white privilege and male privilege in cross cultural environment, nnual conference of the American Psychological Association, Aug. 04-07, 2011, Washington, D. C.
2011 Finding the Niche: How to practice counseling psychology in an indigenous context, Annual conference of the American Psychological Association, Aug. 04-07, 2011, Washington, D. C
2011 The typical dreams of college students in Taiwan, American Psychological Association Conference, Aug. 04-08, 2011, Washington, DC
2010 Applicability of Career Adaptability Inventory in Taiwan., Annual conference of the American Psychological Association, Aug. 12-15, 2010, San Diego, USA
2009 A longitudinal study of youth’s career adaptability in Macau, Annual Meeting of the Panel Study on the Life World of Teenagers, Dec. 16-19, 2009, 澳門
2009 Effects of narrative counseling on school teachers’ psychological wellbeing, Annual conference of the American Psychological Association, Aug. 06-09, 2009, Toronto, Canada
2007 Cultural encountering: Western career theories applied in Eastern society, the global conference of the National Career Development Association, Jul. 06-08, 2007, Seattle, WA
2006 Role of career barriers on high school student career choice behavior, annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Aug. 10-13, 2006, New Orleans, August
2006 How does dream interpretation work?: Therapeutic factors involved in dream analysis, Annual conference of the Society of Psychotherapy, Jun. 10-13, 2006, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK.
2006 Metaphors as a marker of insight in the process of dream interpretation, Annual conference of the Society of Psychotherapy, Jun. 10-13, 2006, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK
2005 Career uncertainty perceived by college students in Taiwan: A narrative analysis, annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Aug. 18-21, 2005, Washington, D.C.
2004 A grounded analysis of career uncertainty perceived by college students in Taiwan, the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Jul. 28-Aug. 01, 2004, Honolulu, Hawaii
2003 The helping relationship and effectiveness of skills as viewed by novice counselors and their clients, the annual conference of the Society of Psychotherapy Research, North American Chapter, Nov. 05-09, 2003, Newport, RI, USA.
2002 Validation of Career Decision-Making Difficulties Scale in a Chinese Culture, the Annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Aug. 22-25, 2002, Chicago, IL
2002 A qualitative analysis of critical issues and coping strategies in children’s group counseling, the annual meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research, Jun. 13-16, 2002, Santa Barbara, CA, USA
2002 Cognitive development and counseling performance of novice counselors, the annual meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research, Jun. 13-16, 2002, Santa Barbara, CA, USA
2001 Nurturing the female’s spirit: Career barriers and coping strategy, the 10th global conference of the National Career Development Association, Jun. 25-30, 2001, Tucson, AZ
2001 Career difficulties perceived by college students in Taiwan, American Counseling Association and will be presented at the 2001 ACA annual convention, Mar. 15-20, 2001, San Antonio, Texas.
2001 Counselor training model in Taiwan: Retrospection and future development, American Counseling Association at the 2001 ACA annual convention., Mar. 15-20, 2001, San Antonio, Texas.
1998 Research and practice of career counseling in Taiwan, the 106th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Aug. 14-18, 1998, San Francisco,CA
1998 The development and initial validation of the Chinese Career Barriers Inventory, the 106th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Aug. 14-18, 1998, San Francisco, CA
國小輔導工作的天涯路, 中國輔導學 會2000學術研討會主題論壇主持及引言, 台北,國立台灣師範大學
心理治療中的夢境解釋:個別或團體取向, 中國心理學會年會, 台北:國立台灣大學
Career counseling for the twenty-first century: Research and practice in Taiwan, the 8th Asian conference on vocational and educational guidance, Taipei, Taiwan
Help-seeking behavior of the college students in Taiwan, 6th International Conference, Beijing, China
The vocational interest structure of Taiwanese high school students, the 105th annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Chicago, IL, USA
College students’ perceptions of career-related barriers, the 7th National Career Development Association 1998 Global Conference, Chicago, IL
Effects of a career exploration program on Chinese children’s career maturity and vocational self-concept, the 7th National Career Development Association 1998 Global Conference, Chicago, IL
College students’ perception of career barriers in a Chinese culture, the 24th International Congress of the Applied Psychology, San Francisco, CA
Perceived Barriers and career choice behaviors of Taiwanese college students, the 8th global conference of the National Career Development Association, Portland, OR
A qualitative analysis of career barriers perceived by women in Taiwan, the 107th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Boston, MA
Career counseling for the twenty-first century: Research and practice in Taiwan, the 8th Asian conference on vocational and educational guidance, Taipei, Taiwan
年度 書名
2023 相關研究與未來發展。老人心理學, 臺灣 : 華格那, 978-986-362-919-1, 12-1~12-18, May. 2023
2023 The changing nature of work and lifestyle in Southeast Asia post pandemic。Rethinking work: Essays on building a better workplace, 英國 : Routledge, 59–64, May. 2023
2018 相關研究與未來發展。老人心理學(二版), 臺灣 : 華格那, 9789863625377, 12-1~12-16, Dec. 2018
2018 諮商心理學在臺灣。臺灣輔導一甲子, 臺灣 : 心理出版社, 9789861918525, 391-444, Dec. 2018
2018 近四十年來臺灣諮商與輔導研究的焦點與未來趨勢。臺灣輔導一甲子, 臺灣 : 心理出版社, 9789861918525, 99-232, Dec. 2018
2018 The practice of career counseling in Taiwan.。International Practices of Career Services, Credentialing and Training, USA : Broken Arrow, 9781885333582, 160-177, Oct. 2018
2018 The practice of career counseling in Taiwan。International practices of career services, credentials, and training, 美國 : Broken Arrow, 9783319669533, 160-177, Jan. 2018
2017 Career adaptability, employability, and career resilience of Asian people.。Psychology of career adaptability, employability and resilience, 英國 : Springer, 9783319669533, 299-314, Jan. 2017
2016 心理測驗的實施與解釋—從成人生涯認知量表談職涯規劃。心理測驗專書, 台灣 : 行政院人事行政總處公務人力發展中心, 16--42, Jan. 2016
2015 Cultural perspectives on life design。Handbook of the Life Design paradigm: From practice to theory, from theory to practice, 英文 : Springer, 9780889374478, 249-267, Mar. 2015
2015 Work and family: Conflict, balance and life satisfaction in Asia。Handbook of research on work-life balance in Asia, 英國 : Edward Elgar, 9781783475087, 35-60, Jan. 2015
2011 相關研究與未來發展。老人心理學, 臺灣 : 華格那, 978-986-6115-02-8, 12-1~12-9, Feb. 2011
2010 各級學校的生涯輔導。生涯輔導, 臺灣 : 心理出版社, 978-986-191-392-6, 179-222, Nov. 2010
2010 生涯輔導理論。生涯輔導, 臺灣 : 心理出版社, 978-986-191-392-6, 29-84, Nov. 2010
1999 學校諮商師之訓練--困境、契機、與展望。輔導學大趨勢, 台灣 : 台北:心理, 9577022979, Jan. 1999
年度 計畫名稱 參與人 職稱/擔任之工作 計畫期間 補助/委託或合作機構
2024 原住民族文化生態與心理健康促進:職場、家庭與個人生活之統整發展--都市原住民的就業力與生活設計方案:模式建立與驗證(1/2) 主持人 2024.01 ~ 2024.12 國科會
2024 113年度青年體驗學習計畫個案管理暨追蹤輔導服務與分析 主持人 2023.12 ~ 2024.12 教育部
2024 疫情下的生涯流動—希望取向生涯諮商方案的建構與驗證 主持人 2023.08 ~ 2024.07 國科會
2025 112-114年國小生涯發展教育課程模組研發計畫 主持人 2023.05 ~ 2025.07 教育部
2024 大專校院學生心理健康關懷量表電腦測驗系統優化及推廣應用計畫(第五期) 主持人 2023.05 ~ 2024.04 教育部
2023 大專校院人文與社會科學領域標竿計畫」-多元、優勢、全方位之生涯發展標竿計畫 主持人 2023.01 ~ 2023.12 教育部
2023 112年「大專院校藥物濫用防制資源中心之諮商輔導教育計畫」 主持人 2023.01 ~ 2023.12 教育部
2023 原住民族文化生態與心理健康促進: 職場、家庭與個人生活之統整發展 -都市原住民的就業力與生活設計方案:模式建立與驗證 主持人 2023.01 ~ 2023.12 國科會
2023 開發自動化輔助之光譜質譜雙重檢測法 研究社區藥癮人口學-開發自動 化輔助之表面增強拉曼與質譜雙重確認法用以偵測新興精神活性物質 國立臺灣師範大學、國立臺灣科技大學、財團法人國家衛生研究院 協同/共同主持人 2022.08 ~ 2023.07 國科會
2023 疫情下的生涯流動—希望取向生涯諮商方案的建構與驗證 主持人 2022.08 ~ 2023.07 國科會
2023 大專校院學生心理健康關懷量表電腦測驗系統優化及推廣應用計畫(第四期) 主持人 2022.05 ~ 2023.04 教育部
2023 111至112年度青年體驗學習計畫個案管理暨追蹤輔導服務與分析 主持人 2022.01 ~ 2023.11 教育部
2022 111年度青年教育與就業儲蓄帳戶方案規劃與推動成效分析 協同/共同主持人 2022.01 ~ 2022.12 教育部
2022 科技數理領域女性大學生的生涯願景與生命意義—跨文化研究 主持人 2021.12 ~ 2022.03 國科會
2022 大專院校藥物濫用防治資源中心之諮商輔導教育試辦計畫 主持人 2021.12 ~ 2022.12 教育部
2023 生涯規劃與生命意義 主持人 2021.08 ~ 2023.02
2021 編製校園學生自我傷害防治手冊計畫 協同/共同主持人 2021.03 ~ 2021.12 教育部
2022 大專校院學生心理健康關懷量表電腦測驗系統優化及推廣應用計畫(第三期) 主持人 2021.02 ~ 2022.02 教育部
2021 青年體驗學習計畫追蹤輔導委託案 主持人 2021.01 ~ 2021.12 教育部
2021 110年度青年教育與就業儲蓄帳戶方案規劃與推動成效分析 協同/共同主持人 2021.01 ~ 2021.12 教育部
2021 110 年大專校院專業輔導人員學生自我傷害防治增能研習計畫 主持人 2020.12 ~ 2021.07 教育部
2020 109年度注意力不足過動症衛教推廣計畫 主持人 2020.08 ~ 2020.12 其他政府部門
2021 初顯成人的未來願景與生涯規劃—諮商方案的建構與驗證 主持人 2020.08 ~ 2021.07 科技部(原國科會)
2020 109年大專校院學生自我傷害防治增能研習計畫 主持人 2020.06 ~ 2020.10 教育部
2020 青年體驗學習計畫追蹤輔導委託案 主持人 2020.03 ~ 2020.12 教育部
2020 109年度青年教育與就業儲蓄帳戶方案規劃與推動成效分析 協同/共同主持人 2020.01 ~ 2020.12 教育部
2020 初顯成人的未來願景與生涯規劃—諮商方案的建構與驗證 主持人 2019.08 ~ 2020.07 科技部(原國科會)
2019 108年度青年教育與就業儲蓄帳戶方案規劃與推動成效分析 協同/共同主持人 2019.01 ~ 2019.12 教育部
2019 108全國性學術團體辦理學術推廣業務計畫(台灣輔導與諮商學會) 台灣輔導與諮商學會 主持人 2019.01 ~ 2019.12 科技部(原國科會)
2019 初顯成人的未來願景與生涯規劃—諮商方案的建構與驗證 主持人 2018.08 ~ 2019.07 科技部(原國科會)
2018 107全國性學術團體辦理學術推廣業務計畫(台灣輔導與諮商學會) 台灣輔導與諮商學會 主持人 2018.01 ~ 2018.12 科技部(原國科會)
2019 大專校院學生心理健康關懷量表電腦測驗系統專題研究計畫 主持人 2017.11 ~ 2019.01 教育部
2018 混沌中的召喚—混沌理論取向之生涯意義形塑模式建構與驗證 主持人 2017.08 ~ 2018.07 科技部(原國科會)
2017 混沌中的召喚—混沌理論取向之生涯意義形塑模式建構與驗證 主持人 2016.08 ~ 2017.07 科技部(原國科會)
2016 104年度教育部補助公私立大專校院聘用專兼任專業輔導人員成效評估研究計畫 主持人 2016.04 ~ 2016.07 教育部
2016 大學生心理健康篩檢量表研究計畫 總主持人 2015.08 ~ 2016.07 教育部
2016 混沌中的召喚—混沌理論取向之生涯意義形塑模式建構與驗證 主持人 2015.08 ~ 2016.07 科技部(原國科會)
2015 中年女性生涯-生活風格及生命意義之形塑與諮商模式 主持人 2015.01 ~ 2015.07 國科會
2014 中年女性生涯-生活風格及生命意義之形塑與諮商模式 主持人 2014.01 ~ 2014.12 國科會
2013 中年女性生涯-生活風格及生命意義之形塑與諮商模式 主持人 2013.08 ~ 2013.12 國科會
2013 社會認知生涯理論與職場就業力—模式之建立與實徵驗證 主持人 2013.01 ~ 2013.07 國科會
2012 與馬里蘭大學短期交流 美國馬里蘭大學 2012.02 ~ 2012.07
2012 社會認知生涯理論與職場就業力—模式之建立與實徵驗證 主持人 2012.01 ~ 2012.12 國科會
2011 男女大學生對生涯阻礙的知覺及因應效能 美國馬里蘭大學 2011.02 ~ 2011.07 科技部(原國科會)
2012 Competence and Employability of Guidance Teachers in Middle and High School 主持人 2011.01 ~ 2012.12 教育部
2013 社會認知取向職場就業力模式之建立與驗證 分項計畫主持人 2011.01 ~ 2013.03 其他
2013 教師職場就業力模式的建立及輔導方案之規劃 國立臺灣師範大學教育學系、師培與就業輔導處 總主持人 2011.01 ~ 2013.03 其他
2011 社會認知生涯理論與職場就業力—模式之建立與實徵驗證 主持人 2011.01 ~ 2011.12 國科會
2010 社會認知生涯理論與職場就業力—模式之建立與實徵驗證 主持人 2010.08 ~ 2010.12 國科會
2010 修訂國中與高中職學生生涯輔導實施方案 主持人 2010.06 ~ 2010.10 教育部
2010 研訂國中與高中職輔導工作人員及一般教職員之生涯輔導專業知能研習課程計畫 主持人 2010.06 ~ 2010.10 教育部
2010 教師職場就業力模式之建立及輔導方案之規劃 教育系 總主持人 2010.02 ~ 2010.12 其他
2010 國中階段生涯輔導工作實務現況分析與多元進路觀點生涯輔導策略發展之探討 協同/共同主持人 2010.01 ~ 2010.12 教育部
2010 國中與高中、職階段適用之生涯發展相關測驗現況分析研究 協同/共同主持人 2010.01 ~ 2010.12 教育部
2010 華人生涯調適之實徵研究-相關因素及諮商方案之發展與效果驗證 主持人 2010.01 ~ 2010.07 國科會
2009 華人生涯調適之實徵研究-相關因素及諮商方案之發展與效果驗證(2/2) 主持人 2009.01 ~ 2009.12 國科會
2008 華人生涯調適之實徵研究-相關因素及諮商方案之發展與效果驗證(2/2) 主持人 2008.08 ~ 2008.12 國科會
2008 敘事治療對中小學教師生涯幸福感的實施效果研究 主持人 2007.08 ~ 2008.07 國科會
2007 雙生涯夫妻對工作與家庭之衝突、平衡、及滿意與幸福感之探究 主持人 2006.08 ~ 2007.07 國科會
2006 與馬里蘭大學短期交流 美國馬里蘭大學 2005.08 ~ 2006.07
2005 敘事取向生涯諮商模式的發展與驗證(2/2) 主持人 2004.08 ~ 2005.07 國科會
2004 敘事取向生涯諮商模式的發展與驗證(1/2) 主持人 2003.08 ~ 2004.07 國科會
2003 國小輔導師資培育模式之研究-團體輔導能力培育模式之實徵研究(III) 主持人 2002.08 ~ 2003.07 國科會
2002 國小輔導師資培育模式之研究-團體輔導能力培育模式之實徵研究(I) 主持人 2001.08 ~ 2002.07 國科會
2003 國小輔導師資培育模式之研究-團體輔導能力培育模式之實徵研究(I) 主持人 2001.08 ~ 2003.01
2001 準諮商師認知發展與諮商表現之研究 主持人 2000.08 ~ 2001.07 國科會
2000 Counseling and Guidance Work in Elementary School 必填欄位 1999.10 ~ 2000.09 教育部
2001 社會認知生涯理論之興趣發展模式研究 主持人 1999.08 ~ 2001.07 國科會
2001 社會認知生涯理論之興趣發展模式研究 主持人 1999.08 ~ 2001.07 國科會
2000 國小兒童嚴重犯行之成因、發展與輔導的探討-違犯行為兒童之成因探討:生涯信念、未來期待、及休閒活動(2/2) 分項計畫主持人 1999.06 ~ 2000.09 國科會
1999 Theories and Practice for Counseling Children 必填欄位 1998.10 ~ 1999.06 教育部
1999 國小輔導師資培育模式之研究-國小輔導工作效能之評估研究(1/3) 主持人 1998.10 ~ 1999.10 國科會
1999 國小兒童嚴重犯行之成因、發展與輔導的探討-違犯行為兒童之成因探討:生涯信念、未來期待、及休閒活動(1/2) 分項計畫主持人 1998.06 ~ 1999.05 國科會
1999 The Development of the Adult Career Cognitive Inventory 必填欄位 1998.01 ~ 1999.06 非政府部門(如NGO及NPO計畫)
1998 Handbook for Counseling Practicum 必填欄位 1997.10 ~ 1998.06 教育部
1998 我國大專學生生涯決定問題分類系統之研究 主持人 1997.08 ~ 1998.07 國科會
1997 大學女生生涯阻礙因素與生涯選擇行為模式之探討 主持人 1996.08 ~ 1997.07 國科會
1996 我國高中學生職業興趣結構之研究 主持人 1995.08 ~ 1996.07 國科會