瀏覽人次: 12571





Eyelink 1000、Eyelink Portable、Tobbi pro glasses

學術個人照 教授姓名:簡郁芩
王孜甯 姓名:王孜甯
這是一張圖片 姓名:李孟寰
1708232646816~2 姓名:陳光晉
吳怡潔 姓名:吳怡潔
靜萱-個人生活照 姓名:陳靜萱

品雅 姓名:王品雅
采妮 姓名:陳采妮
image_6487327-1 姓名:陳廷璦
IMG_7579 姓名:蕭堯瑄

學位:博士 (2022年畢業)

               碩士袍照 (1)
學位:碩士  (2021年畢業)
          image_6487327-1 姓名:陳廷璦
學位碩士 (2023年畢業)
凱翔 姓名:曾楷翔

學位:學士 (2017年計畫結案)
         圖片1     姓名:洪晨瑋
學位:學士 (2020年計畫結案)


得獎年度 獎項名稱 頒獎單位
112 獎勵學術卓越教師:特聘教授(112年-114年) 國立臺灣師範大學
112 獎勵特殊優秀人才 國立臺灣師範大學
111 獎勵特殊優秀人才 國立臺灣師範大學
110 獎勵特殊優秀人才 國立臺灣師範大學
110 獎勵學術卓越教師:優聘教授(110年-112年) 國立臺灣師範大學
109 獎勵特殊優秀人才 國立臺灣師範大學
108 獎勵特殊優秀人才 國立臺灣師範大學
107 獎勵學術卓越教師:特聘教授(107年-109年) 國立臺灣師範大學
107 國立臺灣師範大學教育學院「研究優良獎」 國立臺灣師範大學教育學院
106 獎勵學術卓越教師:優聘教授(106年-108年) 國立臺灣師範大學
106 學術論文暨專書獎助 國立臺灣師範大學研發處
105 學術論文暨專書獎助 國立臺灣師範大學研發處
104 學術論文暨專書獎助 國立臺灣師範大學研發處

得獎年度 獎項名稱 頒獎單位
111 國科會吳大猷先生紀念獎 國科會
107 「年輕學者養成計畫—哥倫布計畫」五年期(107~) 科技部
107 MOST Young Scholar Fellowship 科技部
105 「優秀年輕學者專題研究計畫」三年期(2016-2019) 科技部
104 科技部補助大專院校延攬特殊優秀人才獎(2015-2018) 科技部
103 博士後研究人員學術著作獎 科技部

年度 計畫名稱 參與人 擔任之工作 計畫時間 補助/
說明 備註
113 以認知心理學觀點結合眼動儀探討大學生在數位閱讀環境下對科學訊息之評估、理解與整合歷程(四年期) 簡郁芩 計畫主持人 2024年8月~2028年7月 國科會 吳大猷先生紀念獎計畫 NSTC 113-2423-H-003-003-MY4 )
111 結合眼動儀和回溯性放聲思考方法探討成長型思維與後設認知策略對科學閱讀的影響:發展介入課程、進行實徵研究、建立模型與預測的縱貫研究(三年期) 簡郁芩 計畫主持人 2022年8月~2025年7月 國科會 一般研究計畫 ( 111-2410-H-003 -013 -MY3 )
111 以眼球追蹤和深度影像分析技術探討RR、VR到MR環境中科學閱讀與實作探究的認知歷程並發展虛實結合的自動回饋系統(5/5) 簡郁芩 計畫主持人 2022年2月~2023年1月 國科會 哥倫布計畫 (111-2636-H-003-009)
110 以眼球追蹤和深度影像分析技術探討RR、VR到MR環境中科學閱讀與實作探究的認知歷程並發展虛實結合的自動回饋系統(4/5) 簡郁芩 計畫主持人 2021年2月~2022年1月 科技部 哥倫布計畫 (110-2636-H-003-003-)
109 以眼球追蹤和深度影像分析技術探討RR、VR到MR環境中科學閱讀與實作探究的認知歷程並發展虛實結合的自動回饋系統(3/5) 簡郁芩 計畫主持人 2020年2月~2021年1月 科技部 哥倫布計畫 (109-2636-H-003-003-)
108 以眼球追蹤和深度影像分析技術探討RR、VR到MR環境中科學閱讀與實作探究的認知歷程並發展虛實結合的自動回饋系統(2/5) 簡郁芩 計畫主持人 2019年2月~2020年1月 科技部 哥倫布計畫 (108-2636-H-003-003-)
107 以眼球追蹤和深度影像分析技術探討RR、VR到MR環境中科學閱讀與實作探究的認知歷程並發展虛實結合的自動回饋系統(1/5) 簡郁芩 計畫主持人 2018年2月~2019年1月 科技部科國司 哥倫布計畫 (107-2636-S-003-001-)
105 科技縮短閱讀困難讀者與文本距離之試探研究--科技縮短閱讀困難讀者與文本距離之試探研究暨學習障礙中學生在學科閱讀之探討與介入: 來自智慧閱讀與眼動的證據(兩年期) 簡郁芩 共同主持人 2016年8月~2018年7月 科技部人文司 一般研究計畫 (105-2410-H-003 -072 -MY2)
105 科技縮短閱讀困難讀者與文本距離之試探研究--以科學圖文閱讀的眼動資料和測驗表現建置國中小弱讀者即時回饋的智慧閱讀系統(三年期) 簡郁芩 計畫主持人 2016年8月~2019年7月 科技部人文司 優秀年輕學者研究計畫 (105-2628-H-003-002-MY3)
104 可攜式可見光眼動儀:眼動資料分析、心理意涵探討、使用者介面設計--子計畫二:以眼動指標預測圖文閱讀理解:支援可攜式可見光眼動儀學習環境的建置 簡郁芩 共同主持人 2015年8月~2018年7月 科技部科國司 一般研究計畫 (104-2511-S-003-013-MY3)

簡郁芩 計畫主持人 2014年8月~2017年7月 科技部科國司 獨立博後研究學者專題研究計畫 (103-2511-S-003-065-MY3)

  1. Jian, Y. C.*, Cheung, L. Y. T (2024). A longitudinal eye-movement study of text-diagram integrative processing during multimedia reading among upper elementary children. Reading and Writing. DOI: 10.1007/s11145-023-10509-0 【Impact factor: 2.5; Ranking: 123/269 = 46% (Education & Educational Research); 32/60 = 53% (Psychology, Educational)】, (SSCI)
  2. Jian, Y. C.*, Cheung, L. Y. T., Wu, Y. J., Yang, F. Y., & Chiou, G. L. (2024). Eye movements in the manipulation of hands-on and computer-simulated scientific experiments: an examination of learning processes using entropy and lag sequential analyses. Instructional Science, 52,109-137. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11251-023-09634-8.【Impact factor: 2.5; Ranking: 123/269 = 45% (Education & Educational Research)】, (SSCI)[PDF]
  3. Jian, Y. C.* (2023). Reading behavior in science comics and its relations with comprehension performance and reading attitudes: An eye-tracker study. Research in Science Education, 53, 689-706. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11165-022-10093-3【Impact factor: 2.3; Ranking: 140/269 = 52% (Education & Educational Research)】, (SSCI)
  4. Jian, Y. C.* (2022). Using an eye tracker to examine the effect of prior knowledge on reading processes while reading a printed scientific text with multiple representations. International Journal of Science Education44(8), 1209-1229.【Impact factor: 2.241; Ranking: 136/265 = 51% (Education & Educational Research)】, (SSCI)[PDF]
  5. Jian, Y. C.*(2022). Reading in print versus digital media uses different cognitive strategies: evidence from eye movements during science-text reading. Reading and Writing35(7), 1549 -1568. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11145-021-10246-2【Impact factor: 2.87; Ranking: 90/264 = 34% (Education & Educational Research); 22/61 = 36% (Psychology, Educational)】, (SSCI)[PDF]
  6. 郭品纖、 簡郁芩*. (2022). 中學生閱讀科學圖文與不同語意透明度之學術詞彙的認知處理策略── 眼動追蹤研究. 教育心理學報53(4), 949-977.(TSSCI)[PDF]
  7. Jian, Y. C.* (2022). Influence of science text reading difficulty and hands-on manipulation on science learning: An eye-tracking study. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 59, 358-382.【Impact factor: 4.832; Ranking: 21/264 = 8% (Education & Educational Research)】, (SSCI)[PDF]
  8. Jian, Y. C., & Wu, C. J.* (2022). Conveying spatial and kinematic representations in text reading via words and pictures: An eye-movement analysis. Chinese Journal of Psychology《中華心理學刊》, 64(1) (TSSCI)[PDF]
  9.  王孜甯、簡郁芩*(2022)。科學圖文閱讀眼動研究之系統回顧。教育心理學報, 53(4), 773-799.。(TSSCI)[PDF]
  10.  Wang, T-N., Jian, Y. C.*, Wu, C-J., & Li, P. (2021). Science reading and self-regulated learning: Evidence from eye movements of middle-school readers. The Journal of Educational Research, 115(1), 11-24. https://doi.org/10.1080/00220671.2021.2012637【Impact factor: 1.871; Ranking: 172/264 = 65% (Education & Educational Research)】, (SSCI)[PDF]
  11. Jian, Y. C.* (2021). The immediate and delayed effects of text-diagram reading instruction on reading comprehension and learning processes: evidence from eye movements. Reading and Writing, 34, 727-752https://doi.org/10.1007/S11145-020-10089-3【Impact factor: 2.87; Ranking: 90/264= 34% (Education & Educational Research); ; 22/61=36(Psychology, Educational)】, (SSCI)[PDF]
  12. Wu, C. J.* , Liu, C. Y., Yang, C. H., & Jian, Y. C. (2021). Eye movements reveal children’s deliberative thinking and predict their performance in arithmetic word problems. European Journal of Psychology of Education, 36, 91-108.【Impact factor: 1.247; Ranking: 45/60 = 75% (Psychology, Educational)】, (SSCI)[PDF]
  13. Jian, Y. C.* (2020). Teaching fourth-grade students of different reading abilities to read biological illustrations and integrate to text information: An empirical experiment. Research in Science Education, 50(6), 2269-2282.【Impact factor: 5.439; Ranking: 9/264 = 3% (Education & Educational Research)】, (SSCI)[PDF]
  14. Jian, Y. C.*, Su, J. H., & Hsiao, Y. R. (2019). Differentiated processing strategies for science reading among sixth-grade students: exploration of eye movements using cluster analysis. Computers and Education, 142.【Impact factor: 5.296; Ranking: 4/263 = 1% (Education & Educational Research)】, (SSCI) [PDF]
  15. Jian, Y. C.* (2019). Reading instructions facilitate signaling effect on science text for young readers: an eye-movement study. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 17, 503-522.【Impact factor: 1.578; Ranking: 133/263 = 51% (Education & Educational Research)】 [PDF]
  16. Jian, Y. C.* (2018). Reading instructions influence cognitive processes of illustrated text reading not subject perception: An eye-tracking study. Frontiers in Psychology (in press).【Impact factor: 2.089; Ranking: 39/135 = 29% (Psychology, Multidisciplinary)】, (SSCI) [PDF]
  17. Jian, Y. C. & Ko, H. W.* (2017). Influences of text difficulty and reading ability on learning illustrated science texts for children: An eye movement study. Computers and Education, 113, 263-279.【Impact factor: 3.819; Ranking: 7/235 = 3% (Education & Educational Research)】, (SSCI) [PDF]
  18. Jian, Y. C.* (2017). Eye-movement patterns and reader characteristics of students with good and poor performance when reading scientific text with diagrams. Reading and Writing, 30 (7),1447-1472.【Impact factor: 1.498; Ranking: 69/235 = 29% (Education & Educational Research)】, (SSCI) [PDF]
  19. Jian, Y. C., & Wu. C. J.*  (2016).The function of diagram with numbered arrows and text in helping readers construct kinematic representations: Evidenced from eye movements and reading tests. Computes in Human Behavior, 61, 622-632.【Impact factor: 2.694; Ranking: 20/129 (Psychology, Multidisciplinary)】, (SSCI) [PDF]
  20. Jian, Y. C. (2016). Fourth graders’ cognitive processes and learning strategies for reading illustrated biology texts: eye movement measurements. Reading Research Quarterly,51(1), 93-109.【Impact factor: 2.884; Ranking: 6/224 (Education & Educational Research), 6/55 (Psychology Educational)】, (SSCI) [PDF]
  21. Jian, Y. C., & Wu, C. J.*  (2015). Using eye tracking to investigate semantic and spatial representations of scientific diagrams during text-diagram integration. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 24 (1) , 43–55. 【Impact factor: 1.214; Ranking: 55/224 (Education & Educational Research)】, (SSCI) [PDF]
  22. Jian, Y. C. & Ko, H. W.*  (2014). Investigating the effects of background knowledge on Chinese word processing during text reading: Evidence from eye movements. Journal of Research in Reading, 37 (1) , 71–86. 【Impact factor: 1.473; Ranking: 34/224 (Education & Educational Research)】, (SSCI) [PDF]
  23. Jian, Y. C., Wu, C. J.*  & Su, J. H. (2014). Learners’ eye movements during construction of mechanical kinematic representations from static diagrams. Learning and Instruction, 32, 51–62. 【Impact factor: 3.585; Ranking: 3/224 (Education & Educational Research), 3/55 (Educational Psychology)】, (SSCI) [PDF]
  24. Jian, Y. C., Chen, M. L., & Ko, H. W. * (2013). Context effects in processing of Chinese academic words: An eye tracking investigation. Reading Research Quarterly, 48 (4) , 403–413. 【Impact factor: 2.884; Ranking: 6/224 (Education & Educational Research), 6/55 (Psychology Educational)】, (SSCI) [PDF]
  25. 簡郁芩、吳昭容* (2012)。以眼動型態和閱讀測驗表現探討箭頭在科學圖文閱讀中的圖示效果。中華心理學刊54 (3),385–402。, (TSSCI) [PDF]

  1. Li, M. H. & Jian, Y. C. (2024, August). The role of individual differences on English incidental vocabulary learning: An eye-tracking study. Paper presented at the 22nd European Conference on Eye Movements (ECEM), Ireland.
  2. Chen, T. A. & Jian, Y. C. (2024, August). The differences in cognitive processes and comprehension results of L2 readers with different language proficiency levels: An eye movement study. Paper presented at the 22nd European Conference on Eye Movements (ECEM), Ireland.
  3.  Jian, Y. C. (2024, March). Using an eye-movement technology to investigate whether the young readers’ text-diagram reading strategies remain consistent or change over a three-year period. Paper presented at the International Symposium on Education, Psychology and Society (ISEPS). Tyoto, Japan.
  4. 王孜甯、簡郁芩*。(2023,12月)。以眼動型態探討大學生閱讀高低連貫性科學文本的注意力移動歷程:三次成長模型分析。39屆科學教育國際研討會。台北:國立台灣師範大學。
  5. 林小慧、簡郁芩*。(2023,10月)。國中小學生的成長型思維和閱讀後設認知策略對科學閱讀理解的影響:以結構方程模式探究之。62屆台灣心理學會年會。新竹:玄奘大學。
  6. 林小慧、簡郁芩*。(2023,10月)。國小學童閱讀科學圖文的縱貫發展研究:以潛在成長曲線模式分析眼動和測驗資料。62屆台灣心理學會年。新竹:玄奘大學。
  7. Jian, Y. C.* & Su, J. H. (2023, July). Prediction of text-and-diagram reading comprehension by eye-movement indicators: A longitudinal study in elementary schools. Paper presented at The International Conference on Education and Psychology (ICEAP). Osaka, Japan.
  8. Kuo, P. H., & Jian, Y. C.* (2022, August). The processing strategies for illustrated science reading and Chinese academic words with different semantic transparency among middle-school students: An eye-tracking study. Paper presented at the 21st European Conference on Eye Movements (ECEM), University of Leicester, UK.
  9. Jian, Y. C.*, Cheung, L. Y. T., & Wu, Y. J. (2022). Science learning and hands-on versus simulation experiments: An eye movement study. Poster session presented at the 132th annual convention of American Psychological Association (APA).
  10. 郭品纖、簡郁芩*。(2021,12月)。國中生的科學知識、閱讀能力、空間記憶與旋轉能力和科學圖文閱讀歷程與理解表現之間的關係探究—結合眼動和測驗的實徵資料。第37屆科學教育國際研討會。彰化:國立彰化師範大學。
  11. 簡郁芩*、吳怡潔、蘇家漢。(2021,12月)。大學生閱讀科學漫畫的眼動型態—比較高和低測驗表現讀者的差異。第37屆科學教育國際研討會。彰化:國立彰化師範大學。
  12. 簡郁芩*、吳怡潔。(2021,10月)。以眼動指標和讀者特徵預測國小四到六年級學生閱讀科學文章的理解表現。第60屆台灣心理學會年會。壁報論文發表。
  13. 簡郁芩*、吳怡潔、蘇家漢。(2020,12月)以眼動儀探討科學先備知識高低的大學生操作滑輪實驗的學習歷程—比較手動和虛擬操作的差異。第36屆科學教育國際研討會。高雄:高雄科學工藝博物館。
  14. 簡郁芩*、游蟬蔓、吳怡潔。(2020,12月)大學生透過文章閱讀與實驗操作學習科學概念的眼動研究。第36屆科學教育國際研討會。高雄:高雄科學工藝博物館。
  15. 洪晨瑋、簡郁芩*。(2020,10月)。以眼動追蹤探討激發水準與閱讀材料難易度對閱讀理解歷程的影響。第59屆台灣心理學會年會。線上口頭論文發表。
  16. Jian, Y. C.* & Su, J. H. (2019, December). Paper versus screen: how consistency of reading preferences and assigned medium influence reading comprehension. (ICEAP). Kyoto, Japan.
  17. 簡郁芩*、吳怡潔、楊芳瑩。(2019,11月)。以眼動儀和認知地圖理論探討紙本和數位閱讀歷程的差異。第35屆科學教育國際研討會。台北:國立臺灣師範大學。
  18. Jian, Y. C.* & Su, J. H. (2019, June). Using an eye-tracker to depict the changing appearances of reading processes before and after reading instruction intervention for young readers. Paper presented at the 7th International Workshop on Advanced Learning Sciences (IWALS), Jyväskylä, Finland.
  19. Wang, T. N., Jian, Y. C.*, Wu, C. J., & Su, J. H. (2018, December). Exploring the cognitive processes of repeated studying and testing as self-regulation strategies on seventh graders’text-diagram science reading. Paper presented at Hong Kong International Conference on Education, Psychology and Society (HKICEPS), Hong Kong.
  20. 簡郁芩*、蘇家漢。(2018,11月)。七年級學生眼中的物理圖和公式—以閱讀「槓桿原理」文章的眼動型態為例。第34屆科學教育國際研討會。花蓮:國立東華大學。
  21. 王孜甯、簡郁芩*。(2018,11月)。七年級學生如何閱讀科學文章中不同結構屬性的句子?以首讀和重讀的眼動型態探究之。第34屆科學教育國際研討會。花蓮:國立東華大學。
  22. Jian, Y. C.* & Su, J. H. (2018, June). Using eye movement indicators to predict middle-school students’ learning performance on illustrated science texts reading. Paper presented at the 6th International Workshop on Advanced Learning Sciences (IWALS), Pittsburgh, United States.
  23. 簡郁芩*、蕭詠如、吳昭容、蘇家漢。(2017,11月)。以不同閱讀能力的國小學生重讀科普文章的眼動型態探討自我調整學習策略。第33屆科學教育國際研討會。屏東:國立屏東大學。
  24. 魏靜宜、簡郁芩*。(2017,11月)。以眼動追蹤初探背景知識及文本組織模式對科學圖文閱讀的影響。第33屆科學教育國際研討會。屏東:國立屏東大學。
  25. 簡郁芩*、蕭詠如、蘇家漢。(2017,10月)。以集群分析處理眼動資料探討國小六年級學生閱讀科學圖文之認知類型。第56屆台灣心理學會年會。嘉義:國立中正大學。
  26. Jian, Y. C. (2017, August). Reading Instructions Influence Cognitive Processes of Illustrated Text Reading for Young readers: An Eye-Tracking Study. Paper presented at the 19th European Conference on Eye Movements (ECEM), Wuppertal, German.
  27. Jian, Y. C. (2017, July). Teaching Fourth-Grade Students to Read Biological Illustrations and Integrate Text Information: An Empirical Study. Paper presented at the 24th Society for the Scientific Studies of Reading (SSSR), Halifax, Nova Scotia.
  28. 簡郁芩(2016,12月)。以眼動儀探討圖文標示與閱讀策略教學對國小六年級學生閱讀科學文章的效果與認知歷程。第32屆科學教育國際研討會。台中:國立自然科學博物館。
  29. 吳昭容*、楊忠璇、簡郁芩(2016,12月)。以移動視窗探討圖形的知覺廣度─比較科學、數學與風景圖。第32屆科學教育國際研討會。台中:國立自然科學博物館。
  30. Jian, Y. C. (2016, July). The Function of Diagram with Numbered Arrows and Text in Conveying Mechanical Kinematic Information: An Eye Tracking Investigation. Paper presented at the 23th Society for the Scientific Studies of Reading (SSSR), Porto.
  31. Jian, Y. C.* & Su, J. H. (2015). What Differences of Sixth Graders with Good and Poor Comprehensions while Reading an Illustrated Scientific Text? An Eye-movement Approach. 第31屆科學教育國際研討會。屏東:墾丁福華飯店。
  32. 簡郁芩*、蘇家漢。(2015)。眼動資料的序列分析方法─以圖文閱讀的實驗為例。第54屆台灣心理學會年會暨學習、教學、與評量國際研討會。臺北:國立臺灣師範大學。
  33. Jian, Y. C. (2015, August). Children s’ cognitive processes and learning strategies for reading illustrated biology texts: Eye movement measurements. Paper presented at the 18th European Conference on Eye Movements (ECEM), Vienna, Austria.
  34. 簡郁芩(2014,12月)。以序列分析處理眼動資料探討不同閱讀能力之國小四年級學生閱讀科學圖文的認知歷程。第30屆科學教育國際研討會。臺北:國立臺灣師範大學。
  35. 簡郁芩、吳昭容、蘇家漢(2013年12月)。圖示連續標號箭頭對建構科學動態表徵的影響─以序列分析處理眼動資料探究之。口頭報告論文發表於中華民國第29屆科學教育研討會,彰化:彰化師範大學。
  36. Jian, Y. C., & Wu, C. J.*(2013, August). Advantages of word and diagram in describing configuration representation of a mechanical system: Evidence from eye movements and comprehension tests. Paper presented at the 17th European Conference on Eye Movements (ECEM), Lund, Sweden.
  37. Jian, Y. C., & Wu, C. J.*(2013, July). Investigate how people understand diagrams in order to construct a kinematic representation of a physical system by recording eye movement. Paper presented at the 20th Society for the Scientific Study of Reading (SSSR), Hong Kong.
  38. Jian, Y. C. & Ko, H. W.* (2012, August). Using eye-tracker to examine the context effect when recognizing Chinese words in the texts. Poster session presented at the 120th annual convention of American Psychological Association (APA), Orlando, America.
  39. 簡郁芩、吳昭容*(2011年12月)。以眼球追蹤技術探討科學文章閱讀中圖的功能。口頭報告論文發表於中華民國第27屆科學教育研討會,高雄:中山大學。
  40. Jian, Y. C., Wu, C. J.*, & Su, J. H. (2011, August). Using eye-tracker to investigate how readers allocate their visual attention when reading the scientific text contained an interpretative picture. Poster session presented at the 34th European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP), Toulouse, France.