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劉子鍵教授 學習、科技與認知研究室(LTC Lab) 致力於以科學方法探究學習者在數位學習環境中的認知與心理歷程,進而尋找提升學習者學習成效的可能策略。本研究室的主要研究議題為數位學習環境中學習者的認知負荷、認知風格、認知策略等,包含: 電腦模擬輔助教學、以虛擬教室研究平台探討課室議題、眼動與電腦字典輔助英文閱讀等。


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Hsu, C. Y., Liu, T.-C., Lin, Y.-C.*, Hsu, C. Y., & Paas, F. (in press). Learning from different multimedia representation formats: Effects of prior knowledge. Journal of Research on Technology in Education. https://doi.org/10.1080/15391523.2023.2288393 (SSCI) (2022 SSCI Education & Educational Research, Impact Factor: 5.1) (*為通訊作者)

Chang, K.-E.*, Tai, Y.-W., Liu, T.-C., Sung, Y.-T. (in press). Embedding dialog reading into AR picture books.
Interactive Learning Environments. https://doi.org/10.1080/10494820.2023.2192758 (SSCI) (2022 SSCI Education & Educational Research, Impact Factor: 5.4) (*為通訊作者)

Zhang, J., Huang,  Y.-T., Liu, T.-C., Sung, Y.-T., Chang, K.-E.* (2023). Augmented reality worksheets in field trip learning. Interactive Learning Environments, 31(1), 4-21. https://doi.org/10.1080/10494820.2020.1758728 (SSCI) (2022 SSCI Education & Educational Research, Impact Factor: 5.4) (

Lin, Y.-C., Liu, T.-C.*, & Kalyuga, S. (2022). Strategies for facilitating processing of transient information in instructional videos by using learner control mechanisms. Instructional Science, 50863-877. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11251-022-09600-w (SSCI) (2022 SSCI Education & Educational Research, Impact Factor: 2.5) (*為通訊作者)

Liu, T.-C.*, Lin, Y.-C., & Paas, F. (2022). A new application of the temporal contiguity effect in designing narrated slideshows. Educational Technology Research and Development. 70(1), 59-72. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11423-021-10076-7 (SSCI) (2022 SSCI Education & Educational Research, Impact Factor: 5.0) (

Zhang, J., Yen, S.-H., Liu, T.-C., Sung, Y.-T., Chang, K.-E.* (2022). Studies on Learning Effects of AR-Assisted and PPT-Based Lectures. Asia-Pacific Education Researcher. 31, 1-10. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40299-020-00533-x (SSCI) (2022 SSCI Education & Educational Research, Impact Factor: 3.3) (

Liu, T.-C.*, Lin, Y.-C., & Kalyuga, S. (2022). Effects of complexity-determined system pausing on learning from multimedia presentations. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology. 38(1), 102–114. https://doi.org/10.14742/ajet.7267 (SSCI) (2022 SSCI Education & Educational Research, Impact Factor: 4.1)(*為通訊作者)

Liu, T.-C.*
, Lin, Y.-C., Wang, T.-N., Yeh, S.-C., & Kalyuga, S. (2021). Studying the effect of redundancy in a virtual reality classroom. Educational Technology Research and Development. 69(2), 1183-1200. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11423-021-09991-6 (SSCI) (2021 SSCI Education & Educational Research, Impact Factor: 5.580) (*為通訊作者)

Liu, T.-C.*
, Lin, Y.-C., Hsu, C.-Y., Hsu, C.-Y., Paas, F. (2021). Learning from animations and computer simulations: Modality and reverse modality effects. British Journal of Educational Technology. 52(1), 304-317. https://doi.org/10.1111/bjet.12996 (SSCI)  (2021 SSCI Education & Educational Research, Impact Factor: 5.268) (*為通訊作者)

Chang, K.-E.*, Zhang, J., Huang, Y.-S., Liu, T.-C., Sung, Y.-T. (2020). Applying augmented reality in physical education on motor skills learning. Interactive Learning Environments. 28(6), 685-697. https://doi.org/10.1080/10494820.2019.1636073 (SSCI)
(2020 SSCI Education & Educational Research, Impact Factor: 3.928) (*為通訊作者)

Liu, T.-C.*
, Lin, Y.-C., Gao, Y., Paas, F. (2019). The modality effect in a mobile learning environment: Learning from spoken text and real objects. British Journal of Educational Technology. 50(2), 574-586. https://doi.org/10.1111/bjet.12605 (SSCI) (2019 SSCI Education & Educational Research, Impact Factor: 2.951) (*為通訊作者)

Chang, Y.-H.,
Liu, T.-C.*, Paas, F. (2018). Cognitive resources allocation in computer-mediated dictionary assisted learning: From word meaning to inferential comprehension. Computers & Education, 127, 113-129. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compedu.2018.08.013 (SSCI) (2018 SSCI Education & Educational Research, Impact Factor: 5.627) (*為通訊作者)

Yen, M. H., Wang, C. Y.*, Chang, W. H., Chen, S., Hsu, Y. S., & Liu, T. C. (2018). Assessing Metacognitive Components in Self-Regulated Reading of Science Texts in E-Based Environments. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 16(5), 797-816. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10763-017-9818-2 (SSCI)
(2018 SSCI Education & Educational Research, Impact Factor: 1.027) (*為通訊作者)

Yen, M. H., Chen, S.*, Wang, C. Y., Chen, H. L., Hsu, Y. S., & Liu, T. C. (2018) A Framework for Self-Regulated Digital Learning (SRDL). Journal of Computer Assisted Learning. 34(5), 580-589. https://doi.org/10.1111/jcal.12264 (SSCI) (2018 SSCI Education & Educational Research, Impact Factor: 2.451)