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LTC lab

Laboratory Introduction

The Learning, Technology, and Cognition Lab (LTC Lab) is directed by Professor Tzu-Chien, Liu, and is dedicated to exploring the cognitive and psychological processes of learners in the digital learning environment, while searching for possible strategies to enhance learning effectiveness. The main research topics of this lab are cognitive load, cognitive style, and cognitive strategies of learners in the digital learning environment, as well as computer simulation-assisted teaching, discussion regarding classroom issues on virtual classroom research platform, eye movement, and computer dictionary-assisted English reading, and etc.

Research Equipment

EyeLink 1000/2k Eye Tracker (Desktop / Remote)
Virtual Reality Research Platform (HMD displays: Oculus Quest, Oculus Quest 2)
Computer simulation-assisted statistical learning system
Computer simulation-assisted nuclear power-generating learning system
Electronic dictionary-assisted English learning system
Mobile learning cognitive load research platform

Research Team

Name: Tzu-Chien, Liu
Title: Professor
Teaching Area: Research of digital learning psychology, application of digital technology in teaching and assessment
Name: Yu-Hsuan, Chang
Title: Postdoctoral researcher
Fields: Digital reading, educational psychology
Name: Yi-Jun, Lin
Title: Postdoctoral researcher
Fields: Cognitive load, computer simulation-assisted learning, mobile learning, learning strategies, teaching evaluation
Name: Yu-Chen, Lin
Title: Administrative assistant
Name: Sih-Di, Lin
Title: Full-time research assistant
Name: Ying-Mao, Hu
Title: Engineer
Name: Chih-Suan, Kuo
Title: Full-time research assistant
Name: Du-Hung, Lin
Title: Engineer

Research Achievements

Journal Articles

Zhang, J., Huang, Y.-T., Liu, T.-C., Sung, Y.-T., Chang, K.-E.* (in press). Augmented reality worksheets in field trip learning. Interactive Learning Environments. (SSCI) (2020 SSCI Education & Educational Research, Impact Factor: 3.928
) (*corresponding author)

Liu, T.-C.*, Lin, Y.-C., & Paas, F. (2022). A ne
w application of the temporal contiguity effect in designing narrated slideshows. Educational Technology Research and Development. 70(1), 59-72. (SSCI) (2020 SSCI Education & Educational Research, Impact Factor: 3.565) (*corresponding author)

Zhang, J., Yen, S.-H., Liu, T.-C., Sung, Y.-T., Chang, K.-E.* (2022). Studies on Learning Effects of AR-Assisted and PPT-Based Lectures. Asia-Pacific Education Researcher. 31, 1-10. (SSCI) (2020 SSCI Education & Educational Research, Impact Factor: 2.409) (*corresponding author)

Liu, T.-C.*, Lin, Y.-C., & Kalyuga, S. (2022). Effects of complexity-determined system pausing on learning from multimedia presentations. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology. 38(1), 102–114. (SSCI) (2020 SSCI Education & Educational Research, Impact Factor: 3.067)(*corresponding author)

Liu, T.-C.*, Lin, Y.-C., Wang, T.-N., Yeh, S.-C., & Kalyuga, S. (2021). Studying the effect of redundancy in a virtual reality classroom. Educational Technology Research and Development. 69(2), 1183-1200. (SSCI) (2020 SSCI Education & Educational Research, Impact Factor: 3.565) (*corresponding author)

Liu, T.-C.*, Lin, Y.-C., Hsu, C.-Y., Hsu, C.-Y., Paas, F. (2021). Learning from animations and computer simulations: Modality and reverse modality effects. British Journal of Educational Technology. 52(1), 304-317. (SSCI)  (2020 SSCI Education & Educational Research, Impact Factor: 4.929) (*corresponding author)

Chang, K.-E.*, Zhang, J., Huang, Y.-S., Liu, T.-C., Sung, Y.-T. (2020). Applying augmented reality in physical education on motor skills learning. Interactive Learning Environments. 28(6), 685-697. (SSCI) (2020 SSCI Education & Educational Research, Impact Factor: 3.928) (*corresponding author)

Liu, T.-C.*, Lin, Y.-C., Gao, Y., Paas, F. (2019). The modality effect in a mobile learning environment: Learning from spoken text and real objects. British Journal of Educational Technology. 50(2), 574-586. (SSCI) (2019 SSCI Education & Educational Research, Impact Factor: 2.951) (*corresponding author)

Chang, Y.-H., Liu, T.-C.*, Paas, F. (2018). Cognitive resources allocation in computer-mediated dictionary assisted learning: From word meaning to inferential comprehension. Computers & Education, 127, 113-129. (SSCI) (2018 SSCI Education & Educational Research, Impact Factor: 5.627) (*corresponding author)

Yen, M. H., Wang, C. Y.*, Chang, W. H., Chen, S., Hsu, Y. S., & Liu, T. C. (2018). Assessing Metacognitive Components in Self-Regulated Reading of Science Texts in E-Based Environments. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 16(5), 797-816. (SSCI) (2018 SSCI Education & Educational Research, Impact Factor: 1.027) (*corresponding author)

Yen, M. H., Chen, S.*, Wang, C. Y., Chen, H. L., Hsu, Y. S., & Liu, T. C. (2018) A Framework for Self-Regulated Digital Learning (SRDL). Journal of Computer Assisted Learning. 34(5), 580-589. (SSCI) (2018 SSCI Education & Educational Research, Impact Factor: 2.451) (*corresponding author)