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Doctoral Degree Program

1. Doctoral program study and postgraduate degree examination regulations.pdf
(These regulations are applicable to postgraduate students who enrolled since the academic year of 2020 [inclusive] and postgraduate students who enrolled before the academic year of 2019 [inclusive]. For postgraduate who students enrolled before the academic year of 2019 [inclusive], the key points regarding implementation of the thesis degree examination of the master’s program [including in-service master’s program] as well as those of doctoral program thesis plan examination and thesis degree examination of this department remain applicable.)

2. Course plan of the master’s program of this department
(1) Course structure applicable to students in the doctoral program who enrolled since the academic year of 2022.pdf
(2) Course structure applicable to students in the doctoral program who enrolled since the academic year of 2021.pdf
(3) Course structure applicable to students in the doctoral program who enrolled since the academic year of 2020.pdf
(4) Course structure applicable to students in the doctoral program who enrolled in the academic year of 2019.pdf
(5) Study-related regulations of postgraduate students in this department
    [1] Postgraduate students of the master’s program and doctoral program of this department can select at most nine credits in other departments. If the cross-campus courses or those of other departments are approved as courses in this department, then they do not count toward the nine credits.
    [2] The courses of the master’s program (including in-service master’s program) taken by postgraduate students of the doctoral program of this department do not count toward graduation credits.
    [3] Students in the examination technology division of the doctoral program must select six cross-division credits (not including the statistics and research method fields of the two other divisions).
    [4] For the courses related to the counseling internship of the master’s and doctoral program, internship 1 must be taken before internship 2. If internship 2 is taken before internship 1, an application must be submitted to the internship committee of this department with an appropriate justification. The courses need not be taken consecutively but both must be completed.
    [5] The following courses of the doctoral program cannot be taken simultaneously: Advanced Counseling Psychology Internship 1 and 2, Counseling Supervision Research and Internship 1 and 2, and Advanced Counseling Professional Internship 1 and 2. Special situations must be approved by the teacher.

3. Sequential course table of the courses in this department (including bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral programs).pdf

4. Academic Ethics and Integrity Education Implementation Guidelines.pdf

5. Related implementation key points of the internship courses of the doctoral program of this department
(1) Doctoral Part-Time“Advanced Practicum in Counseling Psychology” Course Essentials(Grade 1) .pdf
(2) Doctoral “Counseling Supervision and Practicum” Course Essentials(Grade 2). pdf
(3) Doctoral Course Essentials “Advanced Internship in Counseling Psychology”(Grade 3).pdf

6. Guidelines for qualifying examination of the doctoral program of this department.pdf

7. Key points regarding the thesis proposal examination and thesis degree examination of the doctoral program of this department.pdf

8. Subject list of the counseling psychology program for the psychologist examination in the senior qualification examination of professional and technical personnel
Since January 1, 2016, the courses taken during the master’s program must include courses from the following seven fields. At least one subject in every field must be taken, and at most three credits are counted for every subject, with a total of at least seven subjects and a minimum of 21 credits. In addition, those who majored in counseling psychology at university may apply for the counseling psychologist examination. The subjects provided in this department for each field are as follows:
    (1) Counseling and Psychotherapy Theory: Seminar on Counseling Theory (three credits)
    (2) Counseling and Psychotherapy Practice: Seminar on Counseling Techniques (three credits)
    (3) Counseling Ethics and Regulation: Counseling Professional Ethics (three credits)
    (4) Mental Health and Abnormal Psychology: Seminar on Abnormal Psychology (three credits)
    (5) Case Evaluation and Psychological Assessment: Seminar on Psychological Assessment (three credits)
    (6) Group Counseling and Psychotherapy: Group Counseling Theory and Techniques (three credits)
    (7) Counseling Part-time (course) Internship Field course: related courses during the master’s program or above: Counseling Psychology Internship 1 and 2 (both three credits)

In addition, an explanation letter from the Ministry of Examination on July 1, 2016, stated the following: For the recognition of at least 1 year of a qualifying internship referred to in the sixth and seventh Articles of the regulations of the senior qualification examination of professional and technical personnel, by the explanation of the professional law competent authority, the internship should be completed during the program (full-time internship). Furthermore, the regulation is applicable as of today. For further information on regulations of the psychologist examination in the senior qualification examination of professional and technical personnel, please see the web pages of the Ministry of Examination.

9. English ability graduation requirements for students in the master’s program and doctoral program of this department (not including the in-service master’s program)
(1) Students must meet one of the following three standards:
    [1] Having taken at least one lectured-in-English professional course from a department in the NTU System.
    [2] Having passed the initial exam of the High-Intermediate level General English Proficiency Test or an international standardized exam of the same level or 850 L in the Lexile classification.
    [3] Having taken the online English Grammar course (intermediate elementary level 600 L).
(2) The qualification is valid for 10 years from the acquisition year (calendar year) to the graduation academic year; this is applicable to students who enrolled since the academic year of 2020 (inclusive). For postgraduate students who enrolled before the academic year of 2019 (inclusive), no validity period is imposed.
(3) If students of this university are admitted to the master’s program of this department before graduation, their exam scores obtained before the 2019 school year can be employed.